Friday, September 25, 2009

Lippmann Collection Happy Birthday

Good evening, Dear Reader!

I have the cool thing I was going to show you tomorrow now... It's too cool to wait!

I'd placed an order, reluctantly, with Lippmann Collection for their holiday colors maybe a week ago. I bought one of each, and they showed up just a bit ago. I was in the back room doing some arduous calculations for the next step of something I'm knitting, and the doorbell rang, and when I was faced with the question of opening the package or suffering the calculations, the answer was clear. Upon opening the shipping box, I got no further than Happy Birthday, which was on top in a clear plastic (rather than the typical white paper) box. I swooned! Calculations be danged, I was off to play!

I was reluctant because I simply haven't liked several of the recent Lippmann's I've bought. This one, I LOVE. It's definitely staying on all day tomorrow, so I might take some new pictures in the morning - the light on these pictures is by the setting sun, which is a bit more yellow than I care for. In any case, Ms. Lippmann seems to simply be making some cool nail polish with this release. I'm thrilled so far, and look forward to Sunday's test drive of the other color.

Happy Birthday is many crayon colors of glitter, both regular and hexagonal, in a clear base. I see red, yellow, orange, green, light blue, and then silver (it's not a glitter party without the silver!). The thought that popped into my head when I applied the first coat to the first nail was that it looked like birthday balloons, and if I'd had it a couple weeks ago, I would have worn it for my birthday. I'm sure some will question this as a Holiday offering, but after two coats, it's predominantly red, green, and silver, with the birthday theme as a more of a background, so it's appropriate for the holiday season of their 10th anniversary.

In applying this, I fought my instinct for total opacity (like Lippmann's Superstar). I realized right away it would take a zillion coats to do that, so I figured it was probably intended to have two, so I'd do two. Know what? I can see some bare nail and I don't mind it! That's pretty clearly how it's supposed to look, to my eye. This is two coats over a base with a top, with the light of the setting sun. I'll give you better pics tomorrow, but since I haven't seen any of this one that I recall and I'm so pleased with it, I thought I'd show you what I could get for now.

That's all for today, Dear Reader. I'll do a little dance for good daytime sunlight and hope for the best so I can get some better pictures for you tomorrow. Until then, love and nail polish to you!

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