Friday, January 7, 2011

Beauty Review: REN & Clarins Masks

After an intense week back at medschool I could tell my skin was in need of some definite TLC! Being product obsessed I was given truck loads (not really but a substantial amount) of lotions and potions as Christmas gifts. So last night I tried two new products and without a word of a lie I woke up this morning feeling like a new woman! My skin was literally glowing! Didn't even need to wear foundation... Yes, these were that good!

REN Glycolactic Skin Renewal Peel Mask:

This little bottle of gold juice is designed to renew the complexion by removing dead skin cells (I was glowing, not shining - key difference), reduce the appearance of fine lines (which I don't have yet but prevention is better than cure, right?) and dramatically improve skin tone (my skin appeared more even, less blochy) whilst getting rid of blackheads and blemishes (not one in sight)!
I love it! Don't think I'll ever use another mask! 

Clarins Skin Smoothing Eye Mask:

I love eye creams but a mask is extra luxurious, this one contains:

- Serrated Palmetto: decongests, prevents swelling.
- Wild Rose: drains, prevents puffiness.
- Rice Starch: absorbent, promotes a matte appearance.
- Chicory extract: smoothing, energizing.
- Apricot: moisturizing.
- Rose Water Concentrate: softening  
I once read an interview with some high-end magazine editor (think it was French Vogue, not too sure) who in her forties was praised for her lack of crow's feet. She blamed the early use of undereye cream & had bought her first bottle at 21! You can imagine reading that at the tender and easily influenced age of 19 how eye-cream crazy I went! Upon every visit to the chemist I would attempt to slip eye lotions into my mom's shopping basket & she would in turn promptly put them back on the shelf. The nagging eventually paid off because I got one for my 20th birthday and have been hooked ever since. If it makes any differnce only time will tell - watch this space...
*Note: My great skin could be due to the 3 week beach holiday, morning runs, drinking lots of water and eating way too many berries but the mask really was great & pepped up my skin the whole day.

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