Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Year Giveaway winner!

Hello~ Firstly, thanks to everyone who entered, I'm glad you like the polishes I'm giving away ^^. One negative aspect which I didn't encounter in my first giveaway is the vast number of people who thought they could get away by entering multiple times. I absolutely despise cheaters and while I let it slip this time in the off chance that you thought you hadn't filled out the form, I will not tolerate it in future giveaways. The google forms are so much easier to work with and I'm really upset that people use it as a chance to enter more than once. I will be specifying clearly in future giveaways that you can email me if you forget whether you've filled out the form or not so that multiple entries will be (hopefully) limited.

Anyway, enough of the rant! I used random.org to draw the winner and the winner is...

Congrats ladies, I've sent you an email so please check it and reply with your mailing address! Thanks again to everyone who entered and especially to my new readers, I hope you'll stick around :).


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