Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ozotic Elytra 528 over Ozotic 505.

I hauled all six of the Ozotic Pro multichrome polishes last week and I planned to post the swatches of them before posting the swatches of this, but I just can't wait to show you this little number I have been sporting for the last few days.

This is one of the new multichrome glitter polishes from Exotic Pro, Elytra 528.  There have been a number of great swatches around of this over black, like You've Got Nail and Vettelicious.  So I thought I would do something different.

This polish is basically a glitter version of Ozotic Pro 505 (which is a dupe of Sally Hansen Turquoise Opal (which I'm giving away as a prize for my franken polish contest)).  I thought I would layer Elytra 528 over Ozotic 505.

This is base coat, one coat black, one coat Ozotic 505, two coats Elytra 528, two coats Seche Vite. This first picture was outdoors in indirect sunlight.

This picture is in direct sun, and the turquoise glitter was so blinding that my camera wouldn't focus properly.

Here is an upclose of the glitter, showing the colour shift.

And even closer of the glitter.  You can actually see the tiny shimmer particles beneath of the multichrome colour shift of 505.

I found this glitter polish had a surprisingly smooth finish.  It certainly isn't gritty like you would expect a glitter polish to be.  I also found that it removed pretty easily, I didn't even need to use the foil method to get it off.

These photos are only showing the green, turquoise, blue and purple flashes.  When layered over black you see purple to gold flecks at the right angle too.  I personally think 528 has the best colours and most noticeable colour shift out of the three Elytra's.

In case you didn't know, these can be purchased from piCture pOlish, and they do ship internationally, although they are $$$$$ especially as the Aussie dollar is strong at the moment.

Full nail water decals

Hello~ :) As promised in my previous post, here's my attempt at using the full nail water decals from Viva la nails.

I chose to use the Burberry patterned decal first. Application was pretty simple, you simple dip the strip into some water like other types of decals for 10 seconds and then gently slide it off the backing. What I found the most difficult to work with was that the decal took a really long time to dry and as a result moved around on my nail quite a bit. The entire mani took me close to 2hrs to finish, although this can also be attributed to my inexperience with applying it :P. I'd say with more experience I'll be able to do it in half the time.
water decal nail wrap1

Photo taken with flash:
water decal nail wrap2

What do you think of these full nail water decals? I think they're a nice change to the nail polish strips which are being released by other companies although I haven't experienced using them. With more practice, the nail decals should be easy to work with, you just need to be patient with drying time before applying your top coat.


The above product was provided to me to review. For more information, please see my disclosure policy.

5 Quick Tips To Save Big Money On Your Wedding With An Outdoor Ceremony

Looking for ways to reduce the cost of your wedding, but even if you've always dreamed? You can save money by hosting the ceremony outside in a beautiful park, the beach, a hilltop or even in your garden. (Of course, having the ceremony in their backyard is the cheapest - but not everyone a courtyard big enough to accommodate more than one percent today, the guest list.)

Here are five tips when considering outdoor ceremony that can save you.

* Choose an open public forum, which is not usually a lot of people who are trying to use them, and remember to get the right to advance. The question, at least there is something for the state, is cheaper, it is very likely (and easier to obtain).

* Select an ordained minister rather than a priest is often cheaper. But do not forget to check out, to choose what they can legally perform marriage ceremonies in your area.

* You can waive the chairpersons and guests will be until you are hosting a brief ceremony. Beautiful white linen or thematic grounds for guests to get a touch of style.

* When multiple classes with outdoor ceremony, people often choose a portable arch because it is easy to carry and just as elegant as more permanent structures.

* Outdoor Ceremony opens the door to many themes that can greatly reduce the cost of your wedding and reception. For example, Hawaiian themes and beach themes to help you save money in the form and wear decorations because people have an outdoor wedding is often relaxed or "island dressed." He makes the ceremony more comfortable for customers because they are also able to wear casual clothes.

I Might Miss My Day At The Races

Things are pretty hectic with my exams at the moment but I'll be squeezing in a post when I have time! My last one is on Monday and it can't come fast enough.

I've seen loads of swatches of the new Cult Nails collection - A Day At The Races - and I fell in love with a few of the colours. However, they're a bit out of my normal 'price comfort zone' for polishes but after some coaxing from a few ladies on Twitter and Maria herself (the owner of Cult Nails) informing me that they were running an offer that ends today, I ordered 4 bottles. The shades I chose are Let Me Fly and Cruisin' Nude from the 'Races' collection (swatches here and here), and My Kind of Cool Aid and Iconic from an older collection.

BUT, I saw a blog post from Cult Nails (here) this morning explaining that they're having some problems with international shipping regulations after one customer's order was destroyed before she received it because the contents broke some rules. So all international orders are on hold for the time being. It's kind of annoying that I may not get my order, but better that than Maria risks posting it and something horrid happening to the package.

Plate:  Bundle Monster BM221
Base Colour: BYS Blue Night Star
Stamp Colour: Collection 2000 - Moonlight Shine
Top Coat of NYC

Lol at the missing handle, I think the bottle got trodden on once a long time ago and the lid cracked to pieces.

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear VIP Pink

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today there's more layered glitter polish in store with Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear VIP Pink over China Glaze Sugar High.  I don't know much about VIP Pink other than that I had it in a box of polishes and it's a pretty pink with glitter, but it looked a little sheer for me to wear alone.

I don't know if I ever showed you a picture of what I think is the easiest way to get an idea of the opacity of a polish without having to open it, so I took one to show you today.  I just hold the bottle a little bit tilted and above eye level, then roll the mixing ball around a little.  How well I can see the mixing ball is an indication of how sheer it is.

Sally Hansen VIP Pink Bottle
Mixing Ball in Sally Hansen VIP Pink Bottle

That's pretty sheer since I can see it so well, so I grabbed a creme that was a good match for the shade, China Glaze Sugar High, to put under it.  Here's two coats of Sugar High, a two coater, alone.

China Glaze Sugar High
China Glaze Sugar High Nail Polish, Two Coats

I topped it off with two coats of VIP Pink and top coat.

Sally Hansen VIP Pink
Sally Hansen VIP Pink Nail Polish over China Glaze Sugar High

That's much better.  Now that I'm all pink and sparkly, it pretty much has to be a good day today.  That's just about all I have for you, Dear Reader, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear VIP Pink

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today there's more layered glitter polish in store with Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear VIP Pink over China Glaze Sugar High.  I don't know much about VIP Pink other than that I had it in a box of polishes and it's a pretty pink with glitter, but it looked a little sheer for me to wear alone.

I don't know if I ever showed you a picture of what I think is the easiest way to get an idea of the opacity of a polish without having to open it, so I took one to show you today.  I just hold the bottle a little bit tilted and above eye level, then roll the mixing ball around a little.  How well I can see the mixing ball is an indication of how sheer it is.

Sally Hansen VIP Pink Bottle
Mixing Ball in Sally Hansen VIP Pink Bottle

That's pretty sheer since I can see it so well, so I grabbed a creme that was a good match for the shade, China Glaze Sugar High, to put under it.  Here's two coats of Sugar High, a two coater, alone.

China Glaze Sugar High
China Glaze Sugar High Nail Polish, Two Coats

I topped it off with two coats of VIP Pink and top coat.

Sally Hansen VIP Pink
Sally Hansen VIP Pink Nail Polish over China Glaze Sugar High

That's much better.  Now that I'm all pink and sparkly, it pretty much has to be a good day today.  That's just about all I have for you, Dear Reader, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Franken Contest Reminder and ABCs

I thought I better do a reminder about my create a franken polish contest.  It closes this Thursday - 2 June, and so far I have received ONE entry.  So she's a shoe in for the prize at the moment!

And now, I've realised how much I enjoy reading other people's ABC's, so for the first time, I will reveal a little more about myself.

A. Age: 36
B. Bed size: King
C. Chore you hate: All of them, that's why hubby is so good at them.
D. Day: Sunday
E. Essential start to your day: Peeing
F. Favourite colour: Red, but not on my nails.
G. Gold or Silver: Gold.
H. Height: 5'9" or 175cm
I. Instruments: Recorder, triangle, tambourine - anything my 3 year old can play.
J. Job title: Team Leader in a Federal Govt Dpt.
K. Kids: Two, 3yo and 4 months.
L. Live: North Canberra
M. Mum’s name: Dorothy.
N. Nicknames: Caddy, Cath, Wellsy, Wellsette,
O. Overnight hospital stays: Two, to have my bubbies.
P. Pet peeve: Drivers that don't know how to merge.
Q. Quote from a movie: At the moment, Mr Three is totally into the Cars movie, so my favourite quote is Mater saying "He did what in his cup" after McQueen tells them that Doc won three Piston Cups.
R. Right or left handed: Right
S. Siblings: Two older brothers.
T. Time you wake up: 6.30ish
U. Underwear: Always, although I have been known to partake in an occasional 'No undie Sundie'
V. Vegetables you dislike: Jerusalem artichokes & broad beans.
W. What makes you run late: Kids, like Mr three chucking a wobbly, or Miss four months doing a serious mess in her pants, as we walk out the door.
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Wisdom teeth.
Y. Yummy food you make: It's all edible, but my specialties are: tomato savories and cheesies (both family recipes)
Z. Zoo: Love them, but only if the enclosures are appropriate, with plenty of room for the animals.

I like the fact that most other bloggers haven't been specifically tagging people with this, rather, they suggest you do it too if you enjoyed reading it. Jacie, I enjoyed reading yours, so anyone else that wants to do this, please do, and leave a link in the comments so I can have a read.

Strawberries & Cream with Sprinkles on top!

Sounds yummy doesn't it!Well it's my manicure and it's actually Strawberry(A franken from Kae), ManGlaze Mayo,and Angel Flakies in Christine. (from Sarah)What I usedThis is with Orly Polisheild on topThe flakies have a pinkish base so it gave a slight pink hint to MayoLove it!Without Top coat (Angel Flakies dry matte)I could stare at this all dayI just love how the flakies are warmer, more orange

OPI Girls Just Want to Play & Fairy Dust

Good morning, Dear Reader!  On this Memorial Day, I want to say thanks to servicemen and their families for paying a very high price for all of us in the US.

I figured I'd go with a patriotic manicure today, and I picked OPI's Girls Just Want to Play, which is a red creme.  It's particularly well pigmented for an OPI red, so I like it better than most of theirs.  It only took two thin coats to be totally opaque, and since the fake tip I'm sporting is crystal clear, I need opaque.  I tried to just leave it alone, but my current and likely short anti-creme phase wouldn't allow me to, so I topped it off with two coats of China Glaze Fairy Dust before adding top coat.  Here it is in the sun, and there are a few spots where you can get a sense of just how much it sparkles.

OPI Girls Just Want to Play and Fairy Dust
OPI Girls Just Want to Play and China Glaze Fairy Dust, Two Coats Each

I already ran some errands and went for a walk with my dad today, and on the walk it was challenging to keep myself from staring at my nails.  This is really super bright and sparkly, so it makes me happy.  I know it's not terribly different from the OPI Text Me Text You manicure I recently wore, but it's different enough for me, and I really just plain love fine holo glitter over red.

That's the manicure for today, Dear Reader, so until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!

OPI Girls Just Want to Play & Fairy Dust

Good morning, Dear Reader!  On this Memorial Day, I want to say thanks to servicemen and their families for paying a very high price for all of us in the US.

I figured I'd go with a patriotic manicure today, and I picked OPI's Girls Just Want to Play, which is a red creme.  It's particularly well pigmented for an OPI red, so I like it better than most of theirs.  It only took two thin coats to be totally opaque, and since the fake tip I'm sporting is crystal clear, I need opaque.  I tried to just leave it alone, but my current and likely short anti-creme phase wouldn't allow me to, so I topped it off with two coats of China Glaze Fairy Dust before adding top coat.  Here it is in the sun, and there are a few spots where you can get a sense of just how much it sparkles.

OPI Girls Just Want to Play and Fairy Dust
OPI Girls Just Want to Play and China Glaze Fairy Dust, Two Coats Each

I already ran some errands and went for a walk with my dad today, and on the walk it was challenging to keep myself from staring at my nails.  This is really super bright and sparkly, so it makes me happy.  I know it's not terribly different from the OPI Text Me Text You manicure I recently wore, but it's different enough for me, and I really just plain love fine holo glitter over red.

That's the manicure for today, Dear Reader, so until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!

Ceremony Ideas

The most important part of marriage is the union of couples ceremony.For officials and their families to the ceremony should reflect your dreams, expectations and values.

When the bride arrives at the ceremony with her white wedding gown while the groom is waiting for her, the room is full of anticipation.

The label of a traditional marriage is essential and must continue.

When the couple want to celebrate their marriage in a Christian life, they probably would choose a church for the ceremony. In this case, the groom should wear a black suit and a bright beautiful wife white wedding dress.

Today, many couples choose to have a non-religious ceremony. They want to marry a family member or friend, but they still want to follow tradition, consider the following:

traditional marriage ceremony includes the following principal components:

1.Opening officiating words

2.Entrance the bride and groom with music

3.A poetry reading and the marriage begins (ie the Bible)

4.Attendants or witnesses sign the marriage papers

5.Wedding speeches and vows to continue

6.Exchange and wedding rings, followed by a blessing, sanction officiating the marriage or the commitment to support marriage

7.The 'first kiss as a married couple

8.Ending and walking in the process of music

Before the ceremony can begin, there are a lot of planning involved. Take a pencil and write your answers to these questions?

1.make a guest list of people you want around your

2.Send in the official invitation to your guests at the time.

3.Find ceremony Officiant help themselves and obtain a certificate of marriage

4.Find a wonderful place for the ceremony

5.Decide which is a wedding procession and to participate in your wedding party

wedding rings 6.Organize

7.What to play music during the ceremony?

8.Is a wedding party going after the ceremony?

9.What to wear during the ceremony?

10.Do you have plans to change clothes after the ceremony?

Give yourself at least 6 months before the wedding. Cross everything on your list if each task is completed.

Planning a wedding is to work on a project. Focus on moving forward.

I hope this brief overview of what happens in the traditional ceremony which should be organized before the event will help you gain time to plan your wedding.

Bridal Gowns 2011

2011 wedding dresses appeared with force in the market for individual months. This period, the partners in the creation of formal wear wedding eliminated the traditional "marriage" model supplanted all kinds of glue that much better, the dress design. The type is fairly simple, however, with great long leather texture based with the aim of capacity. And it takes the ostrich deer dermis, which is undoubtedly also a place integral to this time.

2011 wedding dress dresses developed innovative soft leather bag initially. With opened the workshop in Paris. Simillar to the present, his is effective have been imitated by other producers only consider fast enough. This set of flat rectangular bag has become a particular mode. This leather travel bag made of gray cloth seemed embedded in the surface of the luggage.

Idea Of ​​decorating The Wedding Ceremony

Consecration Decoration Ideas wedding decorations, wedding planning, bridal accessories, unique wedding ideas, reception decorations, favors, photo gallery, you can articles, photo galleries, crafts DIY wedding, centerpieces, confetti diamond, color selection, fabric tulle , bridal jewelry, belt buckles should be crystal, wedding budget calculator, resources, planning tools and websites have been collected from various sites.

Norah Jones Pretty Short Bob Hairstyle 2010

Norah Jones fairly short bob hairstyle 2010Other short hairstyles for women includes the top to make hair. This style creates the fullness in the head. We define the face and chin well. You can also curl hair using rollers. This hairstyle is especially for older women who look pretty and young people in this area. Another short hairstyle for women is the back and elegant. To achieve this beautiful style, conditioning and washing is very important. You can get this look on the packaging, shampoo and comb your hair back. This style also comforts you and makes you feel younger than their age. The most popular women prefer short hairstyles bangs cut bob cut and pixie cut sharply.

Wedding Dresses 1

Can not find the perfect wedding dress? Let our wedding consultants to help marry Mimi. Let's find the wedding dress that best suits your style. Come see us in Laurel now.

Wedding dress - wedding dress ...

Directory listingss vendors offering off the shelf and custom bridal gowns Done, wedding dresses, veils and tiaras. ... local directories of wedding gowns. ...

Wedding Dress

... Wedding and event planning. Find a wedding dress. ... Wedding Dresses, Bridal Handbags, Bridal Accessories and more. ...

Wedding dresses

Wedding dresses and accessories to meet the end the dreams of every bride! ... Wedding dresses. Plus Size Bridal Gowns ... Our wedding will be available ...

2011 Las Vegas Weekly Awards!

This past Wednesday I was invited to attend an event held by the Las Vegas Weekly, a weekly magazine here in Las Vegas. I was selected as the recipient of the 2011 'Best Blogger' award in the 2011 Weekly awards!! SO exciting!! :) Of course, since I was going to the event, I had to do Las Vegas Weekly nails, so I used one of the copies of when the story about me was in the Weekly last May to work into the manicure. (I was a tad overzealous in getting spare copies to keep, so I had a few issues to spare :-P) Check out the blurb about the award here!

Forgive me for not including my thumb in the picture- I swatched another color over it without thinking before I got around to photographing it. Stupid me. For the texture in the background, I transferred bits of the original article using alcohol onto the white background, then painted the Las Vegas WEEKLY logo over it. :)

My name on the big screen! :)

I used American Apparel Cotton as a base, with Claire's Stiletto for the red, and American Apparel Hassid for the black. Topped it all off with two coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

May haul

Hi everyone~ Yes, this is finally another haul post! I really haven't been feeling the nail polish collections since China Glaze's Anchors Away collection which I hauled waaay back in February. However, a few weeks ago I found a seller on ebay who sells Zoya polishes at a pretty reasonable cost and combined with cheap shipping costs, who can pass on that? :)

I also found Essence polishes being sold in Target awhile ago and couldn't resist getting Choose me hehe.
Zoya Dannii, Faye, Ivanka, Gemma, Mimi
may haul

Viva la nails also offered some full nail water decals for bloggers to review. I received the following sample pack~ I'll have a review of one of the decals up soon! :D
water decals nail wraps1

water decals nail wraps2

What do you think of the recent nail polish collections? Anything I missed and should be looking out for? :)

Zoya Touch Collection Swatches

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I have swatches of the upcoming limited edition Zoya Touch Collection, which Zoya sent for review.  The sun peeked out for a moment between storms, which means I hadn't been planning on swatching and hadn't fixed up my pinky yet, so the pictures leave that out, but at least they're in the sun so you can get a good look at the polishes.

All three Zoya Touch shades are extremely well pigmented, so much so that I think with careful application, one coat would be enough for them to be opaque.  Because there's a lot of pigment, they weren't perfectly smooth without top coat, so all three of these swatches are with both base and top (which did smooth them out perfectly), and I gave the top coat a couple of minutes to dry before taking the pictures.  Without the top coat, they dry surprisingly quickly and shiny, but I figured not using it wouldn't be a fair representation of the polishes.  I left the last one on the four fingers I swatched, and it's dried well in a reasonable period of time.

Minka is the palest of the three, which Zoya describes as "latte beige cream with a metallic kiss."  I think it's a light beige shimmer.  The color would likely be a very good match for many people's skin (it's darker than mine), and the shimmer in it is that very fine, subtle kind, but there's a whole lot of it so it shows up quite well.  Here's Zoya Minka.

Zoya Minka
Zoya Minka Nail Polish, Two Coats

Shay is next in line, and it's a shade darker than Minka and more rose, but has the same cool shimmer.  Zoya calls it "desert rose sand beige cream with a metallic kiss," and I'd call "cream with a metallic kiss" shimmer, but description of the shade is probably more clearly explanatory than any other words I'd choose.  Here is Shay in sunlight.

Zoya Shay
Zoya Shay Nail Polish, Two Coats

The third and last in the Zoya Touch Collection is Pandora, which Zoya describes as "mauve beige cream with a metallic kiss."  Again, I'd scratch "cream with a metallic kiss" and go with "shimmer," but I'm glad for the suggestion of "mauve beige" because that's a very accurate way to put it.  Here is Pandora, which has the same subtle but dense shimmer as the previous two.

Zoya Pandora
Zoya Pandora Nail Polish, Two Coats

As I mentioned, the sunlight I had was just peeking out between clouds, so it wasn't glaringly bright.  When taking the pictures, I was lamenting that, thinking it wouldn't show the shimmer, but it actually worked out very well.  You can see how the shimmer in these really glows when the light hits it, and that they're distinctly shimmers even without bright light, and the colors didn't get all washed out.

I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite of these because all three of them are really cool, and they're coming out just in time for my renewed love of shimmers.  The Zoya Touch Collection is available for pre-order on Zoya's site now, with a release date and pre-order ship date of June 1st.  They're $8 each and the little boxed set of three is $24.

That's my Zoya Touch review, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Zoya Touch Collection Swatches

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I have swatches of the upcoming limited edition Zoya Touch Collection, which Zoya sent for review.  The sun peeked out for a moment between storms, which means I hadn't been planning on swatching and hadn't fixed up my pinky yet, so the pictures leave that out, but at least they're in the sun so you can get a good look at the polishes.

All three Zoya Touch shades are extremely well pigmented, so much so that I think with careful application, one coat would be enough for them to be opaque.  Because there's a lot of pigment, they weren't perfectly smooth without top coat, so all three of these swatches are with both base and top (which did smooth them out perfectly), and I gave the top coat a couple of minutes to dry before taking the pictures.  Without the top coat, they dry surprisingly quickly and shiny, but I figured not using it wouldn't be a fair representation of the polishes.  I left the last one on the four fingers I swatched, and it's dried well in a reasonable period of time.

Minka is the palest of the three, which Zoya describes as "latte beige cream with a metallic kiss."  I think it's a light beige shimmer.  The color would likely be a very good match for many people's skin (it's darker than mine), and the shimmer in it is that very fine, subtle kind, but there's a whole lot of it so it shows up quite well.  Here's Zoya Minka.

Zoya Minka
Zoya Minka Nail Polish, Two Coats

Shay is next in line, and it's a shade darker than Minka and more rose, but has the same cool shimmer.  Zoya calls it "desert rose sand beige cream with a metallic kiss," and I'd call "cream with a metallic kiss" shimmer, but description of the shade is probably more clearly explanatory than any other words I'd choose.  Here is Shay in sunlight.

Zoya Shay
Zoya Shay Nail Polish, Two Coats

The third and last in the Zoya Touch Collection is Pandora, which Zoya describes as "mauve beige cream with a metallic kiss."  Again, I'd scratch "cream with a metallic kiss" and go with "shimmer," but I'm glad for the suggestion of "mauve beige" because that's a very accurate way to put it.  Here is Pandora, which has the same subtle but dense shimmer as the previous two.

Zoya Pandora
Zoya Pandora Nail Polish, Two Coats

As I mentioned, the sunlight I had was just peeking out between clouds, so it wasn't glaringly bright.  When taking the pictures, I was lamenting that, thinking it wouldn't show the shimmer, but it actually worked out very well.  You can see how the shimmer in these really glows when the light hits it, and that they're distinctly shimmers even without bright light, and the colors didn't get all washed out.

I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite of these because all three of them are really cool, and they're coming out just in time for my renewed love of shimmers.  The Zoya Touch Collection is available for pre-order on Zoya's site now, with a release date and pre-order ship date of June 1st.  They're $8 each and the little boxed set of three is $24.

That's my Zoya Touch review, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nfu Oh 93

I was so totally into my last mani that I just didn't want to take it off.  It finally starting chipping on the tips today, so I reluctantly took it off.  Then I did some swatching.

This is Nfu Oh 93.  I picked it up from Vivid Nails clearance sale for $2.

I really wanted to see this polish on its own. I wanted that bottle colour, no matter how many coats - I can not be beaten!. Six coats later, this is what I got.  Love it, great colour, but it would have remained dentable for at least a day!  Dented polish really irritates me, so I took it off, and....

layer it over black.  Actually I didn't use black, it was Ulta3 midnight, which is the blackest navy blue there is.  But one thin coat of midnight is fully opaque, unlike Ulta3 black satin.  I did two coats of Nfu Oh 93.  

I love it on it's own, but really its a perfect layering polish.  I bought quite a few of these really sheer Nfu Oh colours for $2.  But I have a feeling that, although they are different shades, they will all look the same over black.

Where I have been the past 2 days...

We had a lovely hail storm Wednesday...This is our backyard about 25 minutes after the storm. It was about 75 degrees so half of the hail had already melted at this point.This was the average size of the hail that pelted us...it had melted quite a bit alreadyThe center white part is a tad smaller than a golf ballThe little one is one of the smallest ice rocks thrown from the sky***Warning

Mother Of The Bride Dresses

Your daughter is married to the acquisition. She has the perfect wedding dress. The flowers in the church is beautiful. Dresses bridesmaids beautiful scar. But you can forget something, you dress for the wedding. Being the mother of the bride, you can expect that all eyes are on you and what you wear. It is therefore important that you choose the perfect dress for your daughter's birthday.

Election of a beautiful mother of the bride dress depends on the vision of his daughter on her marriage. You should choose a dress that is comfortable and leave you need to turn the reception area to welcome guests that her daughter may be too busy entertaining.


One of the most important things you should consider choosing a dress that is necessary to coordinate their choices with the other wedding dresses that are worn. It 's very important that the dress does not clash with or outshine your daughter's wedding dress. To do this, it would be good to apply the motto "less is more."

Choose simple designs for the dress. Simplicity means of elegance and class, and the good thing is that all attention is directed to you. Another detail you might want to consider is the dress that the groom's mother is wearing. In this way we can avoid the embarrassing situation in which both the AR a couple of mothers wearing the same dress.

Wedding Dresses provides detailed information on wedding gowns, Bridal Shops, Wedding bouquets, wedding and more. Wedding Dresses Discount Bridal Gowns is affiliated.

Wedding Ring

Wedding ring is meant to be its origin in North Africa, which in turn is said to come from the Egyptian culture. Wedding ring is made of wear on the third finger of his left hand because it says that a finger vein is connected directly to the heart, so binding the hearts of the bride and groom with each other. In ancient times, rings, used to make reeds, sedges, when it was not metal, but the fashion of the metals that come into use, add a designer wedding ring came into existence. Rings in gold, silver, diamonds or studded with stones, the tires can be found, so it would be nice and charming.


Thanks for all the links you guys left on yesterday's post where I asked if anyone knew of any British Nail Bloggers! I've put them all together on a separate page and I'll keep adding as I discover more. Click here to see the page. You can find the page at any time in the sidebar, just click on 'Best of British'.

MUA Eyeshadow - Shade 4
Silver shade from W7 Palette (pic)
Rimmel Colour Rush Quad - Bold Behaviour
E.L.F. Cream Eyeliner - Black

SpaRitual Ice Ice Baby & Konad H4

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I have a manicure with SpaRitual Ice Ice Baby (dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun-dun...) and the tip pattern from nail art stamping plate H4, which I bought from Chez Delaney but have seen elsewhere since.  Aside from having a name that makes me think silly thoughts, Ice Ice Baby is an opaque shimmery white which required three coats, and I did the stamping in rainbow colors (or a selection of five of them) using various Konad Special and Princess polishes.

SpaRitual Ice Ice Baby and H4
SpaRitual Ice Ice Baby Nail Polish and Nail Art Stamping Plate H4

I'm extra happy with how this one turned out, and were it not for the fact that my pinky's fake tip is looking worse for the wear, I think this manicure would go on my list of absolute all-time favorites.  The tip has actually held up quite well this week with daily polish changes including an OPI Burlesque glitter, but I noticed an edge of it lifting, and before I even had time to register a conscious thought about that, I pulled the lifted part off and made a big ledge in it.  That was really the result of being tired - I'd gotten all adjusted to sleeping really well, then in the last week something that's no big deal keeps waking me up super early, which is also why I'm posting this hour.  At 3:30 a.m., there's amazingly little to do - I'm not particularly interested in any Ronco products, and anyone I'd call at this hour would likely either be really drunk or really PO'd at being awakened to shoot the breeze, and I don't feel like talking to either.  Proof reading this paragraph, I'm simultaneously impressed and horrified that I wandered from an analysis of a fake tip to Ronco in so few sentences, so I think I'll leave it that way.

Lest I ramble on about every tired thought that drifts between my ears, I'll just wrap it up here.  Until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!