Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today has been a very busy and exciting day. I got my car back on the road today after 6 months of relying on my feet, public transport and parents to get around! I don't mind walking everywhere, in fact I've grown to quite enjoy it and still plan to walk as much as I can, but it's really nice to know that I can just hop in the car whenever I feel like it and go wherever I want. I really missed that freedom when I was pedestrianised! 

I set out with plate BM214 planning to use the Stag design as Emily requested on a recent post. However, the Stags came out looking like vertically challenged cows! I couldn't get the horns or legs to stick to my stamper. This could just be my stamper because it has been a bit uncooperative of late but it could also be that the design is just too fiddly. I'd love to know if anyone's tried this design yet and found the same as me, or whether it's just something I'm doing that's making it go wrong.

So I moved on to another pattern from the plate - this celtic, swirly design. I kind of struggled to think of original ways to use it at first but I like the ornate way it turned out.

Plate: Bundle Monster BM214
Base Colour: W7 Black Cherry
Konad Colour: Miss Sporty Zodiac
Top Coat of NYC

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