Friday, August 12, 2011

Some blog awards ^^

Hi :) I was recently tagged by Laura from Clothes, Cosmetics and Chat and Angelique from Meisie's Nails for some awards. Thank you ladies! ^^

1. Thank the person that gave you the award and link them back
2. Complete the form below
3. Share 7 things about yourself
4. Pass this onto 15 bloggers
5.Tell the people that you gave the award to

Okay, so onto the form:

Name your favourite colour:
Purpleeeeeeeeeee :D

Name your favourite song:
Hmmm. I listen to a lot of Korean pop although not so much lately. I'm going to cheat and say any song by B2ST or SHINee ♥

Name your favourite dessert:
I'm currently craving some good old iced mango sago drink <3 I'm going to splurge on dessert when I go back to Hong Kong hehe.

What makes you mad?
Many things. But I'm working on fixing that :) No point focusing on those which rile us up.

When you're upset you...
I cry :(

Your favourite pet is ...
I haven't had pets before.

Black or white?
Black. I own quite a few pieces of black clothing :P

Your biggest fear is ...

Your best feature is...
I like my eyes :)

Everyday attitude:
I'll cross the bridge when I get to it~ Not the best, but suits me :P

What is perfection?
We are not.

Guilty pleasure:
Spending more on nail polish :P

Aaaand, sharing 7 things about myself. I've shared them before here, hehe.

If you read this, consider yourself tagged! :D I'm lazy, I know :P And please have a look at my Blog Birthday giveaway!


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