Friday, April 30, 2010

Zoya Trixie

I had so many compliments this week about my paint splatter mani. Everyone asking who did my nails and where did I get them done, when I told them I did they just stared at me (Like wow) LOL wanting to know if I did other people's nails for money, now it was my turn to just stare at them LMAO I was like no i'm just happy I can do mine right, few of them was like well you should (aint that sweet)

Ok well on to the new mani for today :) and the winner is (Drum rolls please) Zoya Trixie. What a beauty!!!! Used 2 coats, brush was really easy to work with Hardly had to do any clean up.

Here are some more pic's from my garden (more flowers in bloom)

This grow along my flower beds, aint they cute?

Finally my fruit tree's are in bloom

Big cherry tree (sweet cherrys)

Samll cherry tree (sour cherrys)

Plum tree

Can't wait for my other flowers to bloom.

Thanks for looking.

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