I still wasn't up for facing another holiday manicure today, so I cracked into another Chez-Delaney stamping plate. I wanted to use the tip pattern from plate H5, which is a pattern centered about a heart, and I thought it would look cool in Konad Black Pearl over a red creme. For the base color, I went with RBL Bangin', halfway between a coral and a red, because the color is light and vivid enough to provide a stark contrast to the Black Pearl.
Rescue Beauty Lounge Bangin' is, like their other cremes, just perfect in two coats. It's normally easy to apply, but I must confess that today's manicure is neither my best application nor stamping. The fact is, I did my nails while watching a Jackass DVD, so I kept busting out laughing. I wish there were a more age-appropriate reason for the imperfections, but alas, I apparently have the sense of humor of a twelve year old boy. So be it... As a result, the only really decent stamps ended up being my thumb, which you can only see half of, and my middle finger. I was laughing for the others and smudged them a little - just enough that they look crappy in a giant picture, but not enough to redo it. Here's what I've got.
Rescue Beauty Lounge Bangin' Nail Polish with Chez-Delaney H5 |
That's it for today, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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