This is actually my first post of the morning. The previous one was a test I did yesterday to see whether and how Blogspot's new scheduled publishing functionality works. I was recently lamenting the fact that I could not write posts in advance and schedule them, and now I can! That will be handy when I'm offline for a few days for an upcoming move, as the post published just as planned.
For today, I was giving consideration to what would be a good mani for Labor Day. Here in the US, the first Monday in September marks the unofficial end of summer - we're not to wear white after Labor Day, Fall fashions become appropriate, etc. I decided I wanted to ring out the summer with a mani that contained the elements that epitomize Summer '08 in nail polish for me. In my mind, the two big trends were the introduction and popular acceptance of yellow (think Chanel LA Sunrise), and neons. The easiest way to present this would be with Essie Shorty Pants - it's yellow, it's neon, that's it. But I hope that you, Dear Reader, have come to expect a little more from The Nailphile than just the easiest route, and I wanted to deliver something more fun than that.
Instead, I decided to do Funky French with a yellow base and neon tips. Ideally, I would have used LA Sunrise for the base, but knowing that it's a 3-coater and dries a little more slowly than some others, I decided that pragmatism would take priority and used my good ol' Rescue Beauty Lounge Yellow Fever. For the tips, I wanted the most opaque neon I could find, and that was Color Club Pink Lust. Thus, I have Summer '08 all wrapped up in one Feverishly Lusty Funky French. I have two pictures for you, as the pink photographed more true to life in indirect light, and the yellow more true to life in direct sunlight.
It's not absolutely perfect, but it ain't half bad for freehand. Vigorously shampooing my hair prior to photographing the mani this morning caused a bit of tip wear on my ring finger, but I know that you can look beyond that. Magnified to this degree, it really shows, but just walking around it's not too visible. I'm quite pleased with the finished product and overall effect.
So the you have it, Dear Reader - The Nailphile's summary of Summer 2008 in one hot mani.
One more thing - I want to thank those of you who've cast your vote regarding the new format, and ask the rest of you who have an opinion about whether you like it or not to cast your votes as well. I'm getting a lot more hits than votes - perhaps I should have added "I don't care, just show me some nail polish" as a third voting option...
With that, I'll end. Love and nail polish to you!
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