Friday, October 10, 2008

Argyle Konadicures

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I have some fun Konadicures for you. About a year ago, on my ladies' message board, I saw a picture of an argyle Konad manicure, and that was what initially started me coveting a Konad. I'd stare and stare at that perfect mani on photo site, and was just in awe of it.

Well, I tried the argyle pattern many times, and had trouble getting a good image that would apply properly. Yesterday, for the first time, I had perfect success with it! The first set of pictures is today's NOTD, for which I decided to repeat the argyle theme, but for this on I used Konad's Red Wine Special Polish, which I would not recommend. It's thinner than the other Konad polishes, and the image doesn't completely come off the stamper, which means today's was not a perfect success. It still looks great not under the close scrutiny of giant well-lit pictures, so it's staying. However, I'll show you today's first, my take on a Band Aid But Better color (Lippmann Collection's Fashion) since you know I like to end with the best.

Now for yesterday's NOTD - this came out exactly as it was in my head. I used Lippmann Collection's Stardust for the base, and used my newly-thinned black Konad polish for the pattern. I added five drops of Poshe thinner to both my black and white Konad polishes, and both are working better than ever before. Here's my Argyle Stardust Mani, which I liked so much I took pics of both hands.

I'm glad I have pictures of the Stardust one - I'm pleased that it will now be forever immortalized! I wore it out and about yesterday hoping for anyone to notice it, but if anyone did, they kept it to themselves.

Now that you've seen my most recent Konadicures, it's time for you to enter this week's giveaway! This week I'm giving away a gift that was sent to you by sparkling*nails on ebay. It seems lots of readers have been letting her know they saw their purchases on The Nailphile, so with my last Precisions haul, she sent me a gift to thank you - the OPI Music Hall Mini Set from Holiday 2006, which is a pretty dang good gift since they're going for about $20 now. Once you enter, your name will show as you enter it (so you don't have to put your full name), and your email address will only be used to notify you if you're the winner. The contest is a random drawing open to readers worldwide, so if you haven't, I encourage you to put your name in the electronic hat, Dear Reader!

That's all for now, Dear Reader. Love and nail polish to you!

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