Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Good morning, Dear Reader! I thought we'd take another break from my Precisions haul to take a look at what I've been doing all the time I've been showing you swatched - lots of Konadicures!

For the first, I was in a bit of a hurry, so I decided to use one of China Glaze's OMG colors, DV8, for the base, because those colors dry very quickly. It's my DV-ant mani!

I also did another China Glaze base using Bahamian Escape from the Bahama Blues Collection. This one has no funky name - we'll just call it Enhanced Bahamian Escape.

On another day, I did a similar Konadicure using different colors and a different pattern for the tips. I used U Rock & I Roll, and I think it should be the I Rock Mani!

You know that I like to save the best for last, and I did. This is Sephora by OPI's Metro Chic and then some - the Chic Metro Chic Mani.

I think they're all fun, and I enjoyed each one while it lasted. I hope you enjoy them too!

Don't forget, Dear Reader, that there's a new giveaway going this week, this one with the prize being a gift to you from sparkling*nails on ebay. It's the OPI 2006 Holiday Mini Set, and is a pretty cool gift given that they're going for $20 right now. The contest is open to readers worldwide, your name will be shown as you enter it (so you don't have to enter your full name), and your email will only be used to contact you if you're the winner. Please enter if you haven't already!

That's all for now, Dear Reader. Love and nail polish to you!

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