Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Swirly BCA Konadicures

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

As I mentioned this morning, this week will be all pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I two have sets of pictures of swirly pink Konadicures for you which you haven't seen yet and incorporate pink. One has a pink base, and the other has pink as the all-over Konad pattern.

When I looked at the pictures of these, I discovered they're really the same mani using different colors for the elements of each. I decided to post them together despite that just to show how color choice can change the overall look of the Konadicure.

First up is the Swirly French Mani. I used OPI Parlez-Vous OPI as the base, plate M65 and Konad pink pastel polish as the main pattern, and plate M56 and Konad white polish for the tips.

The other is the Precociously Swirly Mani. I used SpaRitual Precocious as the base, then added the same patterns as the mani above, this time using Konad's blue polish for both. I think it gives a very different overall effect than the Swirly French Mani.

There will be more manis to come incorporating pink somewhere in them for the rest of the week, as we (the ladies on my favorite message board and I) wear pink to honor our sisters in the fight against breast cancer.

On a more upbeat note, today until midnight I'll be accepting entries for the random drawing to give away the OPI Music Hall Minis Set that sparkling*nails on ebay sent as a gift to you to thank you for your business. The details and the entry form are at the bottom of this page, so if you haven't yet entered, please do!

That's all for today, Dear Reader. Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!

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