Saturday, April 25, 2009

OPI Colorcopia 2009, Part I

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

Today was a fun mail day for me - my package from sparkling*nails was delivered, always a cause for celebration! It had many goodies, not the least of which was the OPI Colorcopia 2009 Collection. OPI Colorcopia 2009 consists of 12 rereleased colors, and since I'd like this page to eventually load, I'm showing you the swatches in two round, six at a time. There's no order to the two rounds - the bottles were in the six-pack nail polish boxes, and the first one I took out is what you get to see today.

I've heard a good bit of criticism of this collection, and I agree that it would have been nice to see a Jasper Jade or a Creme de Menthe in the mix, but overall I'm happy with these. One thing in particular I noticed is that OPI seems to have tweaked the formula again - normally, new formula OPIs are three-coaters on me, while each of these required two. They also left the brush alone for this collection (thank God!). The brush is good and the colors applied very smoothly.

Let's get to the pictures! I just looked at all of them trying to select a favorite, but I genuinely like all of them a lot, so I'll just go with alphabetical order. I'm giving you the best info I can find on the original release of each color, and remain, as always, open to correction. Please comment or email me if you see an inaccuracy.

From the information I can find, Cancun Fiesta was part of the original OPI launch in 1989. It's a vivid rosy pink creme, but not so vivid as to be neon or a bright.

OPI Colorcopia 2009 Cancun Fiesta Nail Polish
OPI Colorcopia 2009 Cancun Fiesta Nail Polish Bottle

D.C. Cherry Blossom was part of the OPI 1990 Fall/Winter Collection, and is a bright pink creme. It seems a bit dupey to the hot pink Ulta Exclusives for Valentine's Day 2007 & 2008 (Hottie Pink & I Prefer Pink, respectively, if I recall correctly).

OPI Colorcopia 2009 D.C. Cherry Blossom Nail Polish

French Bordeaux seems to be from the OPI International Collection of Fall 1991. I don't have a lot of colors like this - they've always been "Mom colors" to me, since my mom only wore variations of this brownish red of nail polish and lipstick. However, that has different meaning for me now, and I think this one,a definite shimmer, looks pretty damn good on a redhead! Just what I need, a whole new family of colors to get started on...

OPI Colorcopia 2009 French Bordeaux Nail Polish

Mediterrean Moonlight is also a Mom color, circa 1987. She was ahead of her time, because this light orangish caramel shimmer was released in Spring 1994 with the OPI Mediterranian Collection. Looking at what's in this collection, I'm surprised to find I have several of these colors from when they were new! Nail polish, Twinkies, and cockroaches, I tell you - that's what's going to be left of the earth!

OPI Colorcopia 2009 Mediterrean Moonlight Nail Polish

Shootout at the O.K. Coral is one that I really love, and I'm glad it was rereleased so everyone can have it. It's from the OPI American Collection of Spring 1995, and I bought my original release bottle just last summer. I know of a nail salon that time forgot! What makes Shootout at the O.K. Coral special is that it's a good shade of coral, but has a pretty strong pink flash.

OPI Colorcopia 2009 Shootout at the O.K. Coral Nail Polish

Venus di Violet is one I really love as well, which is from the OPI Italian Collection of Spring 2001, and I believe I have each and every one of the original release. That makes me feel old when I think about it too long! Back to the polish - it's a pale pinky lilac with a solid pink flash, and is another I'm happy is being rereleased so that everyone can have it. The first picture is a little dark, the second one with the bottle is a better representation of the color, but the darker first picture shows the pink flash quite well.

OPI Colorcopia 2009Venus di Violet Nail Polish

That's Part I of OPI Colorcopia 2009! I'll try to do Part II for you tomorrow, and hope to show you OPI Breathe Life, their lung cancer awareness color, tomorrow as well. I got lots of goodies from my dear sparkling*nails this week! Know what does me in every dang time? Free shipping over $100. Every time. However, I have a bunch of cool polishes as a result! She's awesome, I've been a customer of hers for years, and if you see anything here I tell you I got from her that's not in her store, just email her and she'll help you out. She provides customer service like I've never seen!

While we're talking about ebay, Dear Reader, let me tell you something I noticed getting the link to Julie's store. There's an ebay seller with really good feedback trying to pawn off these Colorcopia colors as hard to find for $15-$25 each. Heck, I'll just tell you seller's ID so you don't have to waste your time searching - it's allforfun26. If you buy OPI or Essie on ebay, be careful! Honestly, it's sparkling*nails total integrity that's kept me buying OPI and Essie from her because she doesn't try to trick anyone. allforfun26 is clearly trying to pawn off Colorcopia as HTF, and I'm hoping nobody pays $24.95 for the Venus di Violet they'll be able to get at Ulta for $8.50 in coming weeks. I just had to give you that little warning!

That's all for today, Dear Reader. Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!

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