Friday, August 13, 2010

China Glaze 2NITE

I am in lurveeeee *____*. I've read so many amazing reviews of CG's OMG collection, but I never expected to be so blown away by it. It's such a nice and sunny day today that I decided to pull out CG's 2NITE to see how it looked. Absolutely gobsmacked. My jaw dropped. Because how fantastic is this holo polish?!

Under the sun:


This was two coats of 2NITE, no topcoat. I love this shade of blue, light and dusty, with a tinge of purple. I've been on a mission to find a flattering shade of blue for my skin tone, and I do think I've finally found it.

Indoors, without flash:

And once again, under the sun to show off its holo-ness.

Thanks for dropping by!

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