Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dangerous toxins found in some Asian nail polishes like Skin Food.

Wanted to post this for the people that may be concerned.

Now this is alarming. I know Skin Food polishes are not sold in the USA or around my area but this brand is easy to get a hold of (Ebay and other online retailers) So please be careful if you have Skin Food polishes. I know most of us would buy these because of the cute bottle (I would of gotten some because of the bottle)

Traces of harmful chemicals such as benzene & toluene was found in Skin food polishes.Benzene is a known human carcinogen. You can read about that (HERE) as for toluene it is known to cause severe neurological harm. You can read about that (HERE)

Here are the 2 articles where you can read all about it.
(HERE)and (HERE)

Here is the chart showing you how much was found in Skin Food and other polishes.

Hope this was helpful.

Thanks for looking.

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