Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pink and White Polka Dot Nail Tutorial

Well hello all my lovely ladies! It's been a while hasn't it? I've been a little MIA lately. Hopefully that's gonna change soon but with school starting I'm not so sure that's gonna happen.
So I got a new camera and I'm using a new editing system. Both took a while to get used to, and that was the main reason I haven't gotten a video up in what, like 2 months?? Haha that's terrible. Like seriously who neglects their blog/youtube that long? ME... hate to say it, but it's true.

You can click here to visit my youtube channel. Mostly it's just nail videos to put on my blog but I might have some other things up. Who knows? Haha.

Um ok so yea here's a little about this, well uh, simple nail design:

This was originally done by luxoriousnails and I am not taking credit for coming up with this design.

Colors used:
NYC - Pink Promenade
Love My Nails - White
Love My Nails - Milky Way

This picture is kinda pointless because like you can't see the design at all, but I figured I would put it on since it has no where else to go.

Feel free to leave a comment below! I will answer any questions you might have, and I love getting comments! If you have any requests, please let me know :)

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