Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Nails!!

I'm so happy with my nails right now that I had to share:) I use to have really ugly yellow nails that peeled and broke off now thats over (THANK GOD) So I wanted to show you what I did to finally get my nails the way I wanted them.

I started off with soaking my nails in pure lemon juice for 30 mins I did that twice, then I started with these 5 things.

P2 Ultra Strong nail hardener - I use it once a week for 4 weeks then take a break for a month then start back up again. (This soaks into the nail)

P2 Maximum Grow - I use this once a week. (This soaks into the nail)

U.M.A Cuticle remover stick - I use this every other day.

Essence sos nail saver cuticle oil - This also prevents nails from breaking and splitting.

I'm so happy I was able to find the right products that worked for me.

Check out all my sunflowers :)

I love the red coming through these ones

Look at this little guy enjoying my sunflowers.

Thanks for looking.

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