Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nail art #4 - Mutated hearts

I thought I'd try my hand at some more nail art, this time making use of my newly bought dotting tools. To my dismay, I was not very coordinated and so ended up with many mutated looking hearts on my nails.

Polishes used:

Ulta3 - Spring Blossom
Maybelline - Dark chocolate

The heart on my fourth finger is from a polish I picked up from SaSa back in Hong Kong earlier this year. It's black with yellow shimmers throughout, a really pretty black polish ♥.
heart nails

Because my nails were so fail, I decided to show my left hand instead. I don't normally upload photos of my left hand due to the fact that my first finger's nail is a permanent nub. I can't grow it out because whenever I do, it always splits and ends up looking really demented, all because I jammed this finger into a car door when I was young. The nail has never been the same again :(.

Anyway. Like I said, the hearts look a bit weird. I'm hoping practice will help make them look more 'heart-like' next time...

Thanks for dropping by.

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