Sunday, October 23, 2011

Abacus Ten:10 @ Piccadilly Institute.

Over a week ago I went to Piccadilly Institute for Abacus' Ten:10 event. Before that I didn't go clubbing for ages! The last one I went to was to see JREYEZ back in May, just haven't been feeling like going out but Jenny convinced me to go this time & after some persuasion I decided to go lol. I only had 4hours sleep the night before & that morning I had to get up early to do some uni work which involved going to Oxford Street & Spitalfields. I got to Oxford Street earlier to do some shopping seeing as me & Jenny needed something to wear, I quickly shopped in Topshop for our dresses, theres always something in there! Easiest place to go for last minute dresses :D Oh & I bought out a lip marker too which ended up being overly bright, but once it was on I couldn't get it off so I had to stick with it. It wasn't too bad though, could've been worse. It felt so weird getting ready to go out, & putting on foundation (I hardly wear foundation nowadays, only on special occasions or nights out, its been about 6months now I think. Yay me!)

It was SUPER packed out that night, I kept complaining about being hot & tired haha, we was there for a good 4+ hours though, ofcourse I was tired! It was a slightly different scene, different people but I had a good time (Y) I only got 2 hours sleep that night because I had to get up for uni, Jenny dropped me off in the morning & I was so close to pulling out & missing class but the angel in me made me go lol. 

That night I only had 4 hours sleep again because I was up finishing off my uni project so I didn't get much sleep at all, 10hours in 72 hours?! 


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