Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nubar Boyfriend Jeans & Chanel Blue Boy Comparison

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

Today I have another installment of the Nubar Jeans and Les Jeans des Chanel comparison with Nubar Boyfriend Jeans and Chanel Blue Boy.  I did it the same way as for Nubar Faded Jeans, with a manicure of base coat, two coats of color, and top coat, using Boyfriend Jeans on nine nails and Blue Boy on one.  I gave the mani some time to dry and then took pictures.  The sun is barely out today so I only have an overcast picture, and you might notice that my hand looks kind of red in the picture.  That's because it is - it's 63° inside right now since I refuse to turn on the heat so early, and my hands get ridiculously cold.  Here's the unlabelled version so you can get a first impression.

Nubar Boyfriend Jeans
Nubar Boyfriend Jeans Nail Polish with One Chanel Blue Boy Nail, Two Coats Each

This picture shows you which is the Chanel.

Nubar Boyfriend Jeans and Chanel Blue Boy
Nubar Boyfriend Jeans and Chanel Blue Boy Comparison, Two Coats Each

I say they're dupes, which is good news.  I really loved the color when it came out of a Chanel bottle and I like it just the same out of a Nubar bottle, but I do a better job with the Nubar brush, so I prefer it.

That's what I know about Boyfriend Jeans versus Blue Boy, so until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

Some products were sent for independent review.

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen from a real nail polish blog.

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