Saturday, October 22, 2011

A rainbow creation

Hey everyone~ I'm actually posting three days in a row, what a feat! :P While my last pink notd did grow on me, I knew it was time for a change as soon as the weekend hit. I received some polishes from OPI's Muppets collection yesterday and couldn't wait to try them out. Rainbow connection was totally calling out my name and I just had to wear it :)

I applied two coats of Ulta3 black satin onto all my nails except the middle - it has two coats of Ulta3 gold rush fever. For my index and pinky, I applied two coats of Rainbow connection. For my thumb and fourth finger, I used a thin brush to apply the gold stripes (gold rush fever). I layered on a coat of Mode cosmetics Diamonte on my third finger (you can hardly see the glittler though, unfortunately) and then finished it off with a crackled look with OPI Black shatter.

rainbow & random1

rainbow & random2

rainbow & random3

I have to say that I'm a little disappointed with how sparse the glitter in Rainbow connection is. You won't get full nail coverage unless you plan on applying at least four coats. The glitter however, is beautiful and I'm really happy to finally own a true rainbow glitter polish! It does seem to be a dupe of the Milani and Essence glitter polishes but since I can't get my hands on them, the OPI will definitely suffice :)

What do you think of Rainbow connection? (I keep on typing rainbow concoction and then having to delete it >< Don't you think it's such a suitable name for it though? :P)

Thanks for reading!
A product was provided for review. For more information, please see my disclosure policy.

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