Thursday, November 17, 2011

gosh abby, what the heck happened?!

I got stranded in the woods for half a year, surviving only on twigs and leaves and my awesome surviving skills, while battling bears, rattle snakes, and the like, getting trapped in swamps and making it out just in time, and getting stung by killer bees, but saving myself with a special suave I came up with using only tree bark and saliva.

I recently got a comment saying I haven't been on here since May. And I was all like "what! nahh... I like just got on here, what the heck." Then I went to my blog and soon found out that I hadn't been on since May. In fact, I kind of forgot which email I used to create this blog and it took me a few minutes to figure it out.

This, my friends, is the sign of a very neglected blog.  But to be perfectly honest, I really haven't even painted my nails all that much since May.  I remember painting them like 3 times since then.

I still love nail polish.  I still like all the colors nail polish allows me to wear on my nails.  But I'm kind of not as big of a fan of doing designs on my nails anymore.  I never was and probably never will be great with a paintbrush, and since I really haven't done many designs since May, I've gone from okay to, well, bad.    

So we shall see what becomes of this blog.  Will I pick up nail designing later down the road?  Will I decide to further forget about this blog?  Will I change the blog to something else?  I'm not exactly sure at the moment.

But since May, I definitely have still been blogging.  Blogging has always been a part of me which I can't forget.  And if you aren't following my main blog, you can check it out here:

I am still completely shocked that I have 200 followers over there.  It's amazing and my readers are the very best ever.

My crafting blog goes through phases of breaks, but since opening my Etsy shop (not currently selling anything, but I will be soon) I'm pretty sure that blog won't get so neglected anymore.  You can check out my latest projects here:

headband and hat crocheted by me, photography by me

I just uploaded a video on some things I've been working on over at my Youtube.

Speaking of youtube, I've still been making videos.  Not necessarily nail videos though...

I've got a few more videos up over on my youtube, so make sure to check it out.

So will I post more nail design videos?

Well... we shall see.

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