Thursday, November 3, 2011

Orly Androgynie

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

Today I have a cool polish with a weirdo name to show you, Orly Androgynie.  It's the only one I went for from this collection, and it's a pretty good one.  It's a black base with lots of different glitter in it, and in two coats it was opaque but still let the glitter show through.  I like it, but in normal, non-picture lighting, the glitter doesn't show quite as well as I'd like.  It does make for a good picture though!

I applied it last night, two coats over a base topped off with Tout de Suite to dry it, but it was lumpier than I cared for this morning, so I added a coat of Sally Hansen Salon Speed Shine to it and that helped quite a bit.  It's still not glassy smooth, but my choices were to add more top coat or make a post, and I figured the longer I wait to post the more likely it is to get messed up, so this is as good as it gets.  There's no sunlight today, so artifically lit pictures are all I have.  Here is the manicure.

Orly Androgynie
Orly Androgynie Nail Polish, Two Coats

Here's a close look at part of a nail to see the glitter.

Orly Androgynie  Glitter
Orly Androgynie Nail Polish, Closer Look at Glitter

The glitter does show indoors, just not quite as much of it shows as in the pictures.  Looking down at my hands, I see the tiny sparkle bits and the colored hex glitter shows, but the hex glitter doesn't sparkle like in the picture.  It's still a good polish and a pretty unique one at that, so it still get a well-manicured thumbs up from me.

That's Orly Androgynie and the update for today, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen from a real nail polish blog.

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